Hunter education safety requirements

The Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources requires you to complete hunter education before buying a hunting license if:
- you are 12–15 years of age, or
- you have not previously purchased a regular hunting license.
Become a safe hunter
The purpose of hunter education is to develop knowledge, skills, and behaviors necessary to become safe, responsible hunters.
The online course
Typically, students meet these needs by attending a traditional, instructor led course including classroom lectures and field/range experiences. In today's society, students have less free time to devote to attending a hunter education course. Online hunter education courses help address this, by allowing students to take hunter safety courses on their own time, at their own pace and in the comfort of their home or office.
You may ask
FAQ - Virginia Hunters Safety Course and Hunting License
- Is the Beasafehunter hunter course approved by the state of Virginia?
No. We are not approved yet.
- Is there a minimum age to take this online education course?
It depends on the State in which you want to take the course.
- Is my Hunting Education Certificate good in other states?
Every U.S. state that demands a Hunter Education Certificate will accept Hunter Education Certificates from other states that conform to IHEA requirements as well.
You should follow your safety course in the State where you are resident.
- Does the Hunter Safety Card expire?
No. It is good for life.
- Who is required to take the Hunters Education course in Virginia?
You are required to complete hunter education before buying a hunting license if:
- you are 12–15 years of age, or
- you have not previously purchased a regular hunting license.
This section shall not apply to:
- persons while on horseback hunting foxes with hounds but without firearms;
- hunters under 12 years of age, who must be immediately supervised by a licensed adult.
You may also purchase an apprentice hunting license without completing hunter education.
Virginia accepts and recognizes all states’ and countries’ hunting licenses and official hunter education credentials for the purpose of complying with mandatory hunter education requirements. These may be in the form of an identification card or certificate.
- What types of Virginia Hunting Licenses are available?
To hunt in Virginia, a resident or nonresident hunting license is required, unless you are license exempt. Other licenses, permits, or stamps may also be required depending on species hunted and location of hunt. Before purchasing a hunting license or permit, make sure you understand what qualifies as a Virginia residency, that you really need a license or permit based on the exemptions, and you have met the hunter safety requirements.
To Hunt Small Game
A hunting license is required. A National Forest Permit or State Forest Use Permit may also be required.
To Hunt Dove, Woodcock, Snipe, Gallinules, or Rails
A hunting license and HIP authorization are required. A National Forest Permit or State Forest Use Permit may also be required.
To Hunt Bear, Deer, or Turkey
A bear license and/or a deer/turkey license is required in addition to a hunting license. (These licenses are valid from July 1–June 30 only.) A National Forest Permit, State Forest Use Permit, or Bonus Deer Permits may also be required.
To Hunt With Archery Tackle
An archery license is required in addition to a hunting license when using archery tackle during a designated archery season for bear, deer, turkey and bobcat. A bear license, deer/turkey license, National Forest Permit, State Forest Use Permit, or Bonus Deer Permits may also be required.
To Hunt With a Muzzleloader
A muzzleloading license is required in addition to the hunting license if hunting with a muzzleloading firearm during a designated muzzleloader deer or bear season. A bear license, deer/ turkey license, National Forest Permit, State Forest Use Permit, or Bonus Deer Permits may also be required.
If hunting with archery tackle or muzzleloading rifle during any firearms deer season, you do not need an archery or muzzleloading license.
To Trap
A trapping license is required. A National Forest Permit or State Forest Use Permit may also be required.
To Hunt Waterfowl
A hunting license, Federal Duck Stamp, Virginia Migratory Waterfowl Conservation Stamp and HIP authorization are required. A National Forest Permit or State Forest Use Permit may also be required.
Apprentice Hunting License
The apprentice hunting license is a one-time purchase and serves as a first-time Virginia resident or nonresident hunting license and is good for two years. Previous Virginia hunting license holders are not eligible to purchase an apprentice license. Apprentice license holders have two years to take an approved Hunter Safety course.
The apprentice license holder must be accompanied and directly supervised by an adult over the age of 18 who has, on his person, a valid Virginia hunting license. “Accompanied and directly supervised” means the adult maintains close visual and verbal contact with, provides adequate direction to, and can immediately assume control of the firearm from the apprentice hunter. When buying a hunting license, the apprentice hunting license cannot be used as proof of previously purchasing a hunting license.
However, if you purchase an apprentice hunting license and then complete hunter education, you may use the apprentice license as a basic license to hunt until it expires. You will not need supervision unless otherwise required by law to be supervised, such as in the case of hunting on a youth/apprentice hunting weekend. You must carry proof of hunter education while hunting unsupervised with an apprentice license.