FAQ - Hunter Safety Course

Is there a time limit to complete an approved Hunter Course?

You can take the online course at any time, day or night. However, courses must be completed within one year of payment at which time your access to the course will expire.You must spend a minimum of three (3) hours studying the hunter safety course, but you can take more time if you wish. You will then have as long as you need to complete the final exam.

Must I complete the course in one sitting?

You can complete the course in one sitting, or spread it out over several days. You go at your own pace.

What passing score must I get in the quizzes to access the final test?

The passing mark for the unit quizzes is 80%. If you don’t pass the quiz, you must re-study that particular section and then re-take the quiz.

What if I don't pass the online beasafehunter Education Course?

Don't worry we allow free retries at no cost. You will have the chance to review the course material and take the online portion of the course again. However our system will be generating a new pool of questions.  So, you will not see the same set of questions as you did on the first attempt.

Is my Hunter Education Certificate good in other states?

Every U.S. state that demands a Hunter Education Certificate accepts the certification from another State.

You should follow your course in the State where you are resident.

How can I print my Hunter Education Certificate?

In the dashboard, hit the “print your certificate” button.

How can I change my personal information?

In the dashboard, click on “modify your contact information”.

What happens if I lose internet connection?

No problem, our system automatically saves your progress. You can simply log back in to your account to continue your course.

What do I do if I lost my username?

Your username is the email address you used when you logged in for the first time.

Can I pause my study, and pick up where I left off?

Yes of course, your progress will be saved throughout your study. If you quit your study, you can go back the next day and pick up where you left off.

Does the Hunter Education Certificate expire?

No. It is good for life.

Why can't I view my course certificate?

You have to complete the course to view and print your course certificate. Once you have completed the course, you can view and print your certificate from your Dashboard.

Is it possible to see the content of the course before starting my training?

Of course, all you have to do is click on Hunter Safety Course Study Guide.

Where can I get a replacement Hunter Education Card?

Replacement Hunter Education Certificates (cards) are available from the state website.

My credit card is being declined, what do I do?

Please contact the bank that issued your card. They will be able to see why the transaction is being declined.

How do I contact customer support?

You can contact us through the chat feature on our website or send an email to support@beasafehunter.org or call us at 1 888-330-1664.