Most common Bow Accessories

- Usually a leather or synthetic container used for carrying or storing arrows
- Three common types of quivers are the back, side and bow quiver
- The most important function of the quiver is to protect the archer from the arrowheads
Glove, fingertab or mechanical release
- Gloves and finger tabs protect the fingers used in drawing and releasing the bowstring
- Mechanical releases attach to the string for drawing and releasing the arrow
- Help to make release smoother, improving accuracy
- Protects the forearm from being slapped by the bowstring upon release of an arrow
- Keeps sleeves away from the bowstring
- Prevents bow damage when stringing and unstringing long bows and recurve bows
- Allows easy replacement of bowstring
- When not in use, long bows and recurves should be stored unstrung at room temperature
- Do not attempt to string a recurve or longbow without a bowstringer
Flat File, Sharpening stones
- Used to sharpen broadheads
- It's a good idea to carry a spare bowstring in case of breaks
String silencers
- Usually yarn or rubber fingers attached to the string to reduce the noise on release