The importance of planning and preparation Hunting Survival
Hunt Plan

A hunter should prepare and follow a hunt plan in case of becoming lost, sick or injured.
Your Hunt plan should answer the 4 Ws’: Who, What , When and Where
Who are you going with?
What route will you take to and from your destination?
What means of communication will you be taking with you?
Where will you be going?
When is your departure?
When do you plan to return?
Ensuring you leave a copy of your hunt plan with a friend or family member is very important. If you do not return home by the date you set on your plan, they will have all the information to give to search and rescue.
Importance of Planning, Preparation and Practice
Proper planning, preparation, and practice for what you might encounter on your trip such as getting lost, sick or injured is important. It can reduce the likelihood of serious emergencies while hunting. Staying in shape can prevent exhaustion and heart attacks. All hunters should prepare and follow a plan when hunting in groups to prevent accidental shootings. Being well prepared and ensuring you have the proper clothing and a survival kit on hand is vital if bad weather conditions arise or injuries occur. A well-planned hunt is usually more successful.
Survival kit

Every survival kit should include:
- Fire starting device
- Method of procuring safe water for drinking
- First aid kit
- Signaling device
- Material for shelter construction
- Map
- Compass
- Emergency food
- Communication device
- Medication *
*All survival kits must include any and all prescription medication you or anyone in your hunting party may require. This allows for immediate treatment while in the field. Please remember to read and follow the instructions given on the prescription, ensure the dose of the medication and the name of the person you are giving the medication to.
Additional items will vary based on hunting conditions and personal preferences.
Essential steps necessary to survive an emergency situation
Even the best outdoors people get turned around now and then. What you do in the early stages will likely determine how well you survive.
If you stay calm, most of the time you will get back on track very quickly and "being lost" will only be a minor event.
To survive you must keep mental self-control, have water, food, and shelter.
During an emergency situation a hunter should:

Remain calm and admit you are lost. Continuing on could make matters worse.
Think about where you have been. What landmarks have you passed? Have you been traveling up or downhill? Did you let someone know where you were going?
Take a look around. Do you see any power lines? Do you recognize any landmarks. Listen!
Do you have enough daylight to attempt a hike out? Take an inventory. What supplies do you have in your survival kit? Food, water, clothing, etc.? If your daylight is running out, you may need to make camp. What is there for shelter? Gathering supplies and making a fire is very important.