Turkey Hunting in North America Hunting Tips
The Wild Turkey is one of the most popular game birds in North America and certainly the largest. It can also be one of the most elusive because of its keen sight and hearing ability. Because of these abilities, hunters must take extra precautions not to be seen by wearing camouflage, from head to toe. Unfortunately, camouflage also conceals your identity from other hunters, which can put you in the line of fire since turkeys are hunted on the ground and not in a tree stand. This is why it is very important to remember safety while turkey hunting. The following is a list of DO's and DON'Ts recommended from the National Wild Turkey Federation.

Turkey Hunting Tips

DO camouflage any items that may be red, white, or blue so that other hunters will not see them.
DO camouflage your gun. If not, at least cover up white diamonds or other red and white markings.
DO keep your hands and head camouflaged when calling.
DO wear dark colored socks and pants that are long enough to keep your bare skin from being exposed.
DO cover decoys in and out of the woods.
DO use a "stand" tree that is wider than your shoulders and taller than your head.
DO shout out in a loud voice if you see another hunter in your area. You want to alert them to your presence for your safety.
DON'T wear any clothing that has any red, white, or blue because they can be mistaken for colors found on wild turkeys.
DON'T obstruct your view with heavy vegetation or camouflage netting.
DON'T use a "gobbler" call as another turkey hunter may be stalking you instead of a real turkey.
Turkey Hunting Code of Conduct

Not only do you want to hunt defensively to ensure your safety and that of others around you, you must also follow a Turkey Hunters Code of Conduct:
As a responsible turkey hunter, I will:
- Not let peer pressure or the excitement of the hunt cloud my judgement.
- Learn and practice safe hunting techniques.
- Hunt the wild turkey fairly.
- Know the capabilities and limitations of my gun or bow and use it safely.
- Obey and support all wildlife laws and report all violations.
- Respect the land and the landowners and always obtain permission before hunting.
- Avoid knowingly interfering with another hunter and respect the right of others to lawfully share the out of doors.
- Value the hunting experience and appreciate the beauty of the wild turkey.
- Positively identify my target as a legal bird and insist on a good shot.
- Share responsible turkey hunting with others and work for wild turkey conservation.