Checking for obstruction

What is a barrel obstruction?

An obstruction in the middle or forward part of the barrel may cause a ring bulge or, in some cases, bursting of the barrel at that point.

What risks are present if you have a barrel obstruction?

Even a small bit of mud, snow, excess lubricating oil or grease in the bore can cause dangerously increased pressures, causing the barrel to bulge or even burst on firing, which can cause injury

It is very important that the barrel of your firearm is free from any obstruction. Even the smallest obstruction can have serious consequences. If you suspect that there is an obstruction in the barrel of your firearm, stop and safely clear it before you fire the firearm.

How to safely clear an obstruction in the barrel of your firearm?

  • Point the barrel of the firearm in a safe direction

  • Open the action

  • Make sure the firearm is unloaded

  • Look for debris in the barrel. (If at all possible, do this from the action end by  removing the bolt or hinging the firearm. If this is not possible, use a light to illuminate the inside and look down the barrel.)

  • Using a cleaning rod remove any obstruction

  • Check the barrel again, to ensure it remains free of debris

Barrel obstruction